Thursday, September 22, 2011

General Fitness Plan & Week 1 Goals

I want to start semi-slow and make gradual changes in hopes that I will keep up with them better than just throwing myself into a plan I know I will not abide by.

I'm sure my fitness plan and diet plan will change over time, but for now this is what I have in mind:
Strength training Mon, Wed, & Fri
Evening walk/run (30-60mins) 5 days a week
Tracking meals and counting calories
Limiting carbs and sweets
Increasing fruits and veggies

Increasing water intake
More frequent spurts of activity during the day

Week 1 Goals:
80oz of water daily
Caloric intake of 1870 daily

Beginning runs
20 mins of strength training 3x weekly

Weight Loss Breakdown

Starting weight: 243lbs

Periodic loss goals:
Christmas--236lbs (-7)
Anniversary--228lbs (-15)
25th Bday--200lbs (-43)
Anniversary--180lbs (-63)
26th Bday--160lbs (-83)


Humble beginnings..

I hate to admit that this is my second blog focused on weight loss. My first was obviously not a success. I didn't keep up with my goals and I didn't keep up with posting about them. I felt really ashamed about the fact that I wasn't accomplishing anything so I quit updating fairly shortly. I thought that having people follow me would make me more accountable but it really didn't.

This time around I've decided not to add any followers just yet. I'm keeping this blog my little secret for now. I know how probable it is that I won't succeed the way I want to, and I don't want that guilt of letting others down. I know that's no way to be motivated, but it is what it is.

I'm mainly viewing this blog as a way to keep organized--a medium to express my thoughts when I need to and a place to store my goals and progress.

I've struggled with weight for as long as I can remember. My weight issues started when my dad left when I was 4. I guess, like a lot of people, I ate to fill some void. As I grew, so did my emotional eating habits. Now, for me, food goes hand in hand with every thing. I eat when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm bored. If there's something to celebrate, it's time to go out to eat. If I've had a bad day, it's time to curl up on the couch with some yummy food and tv. I know that's no way to live, but it's how I've lived for nearly 20 years and it's difficult to change that.

I know I can though. In high school I really buckled down and lost 60 lbs in a year. Of  course, after high school I gained it all back and then some. When I lost that weight I vowed I'd never get back up to that specific number..and here I am, 2 babies and years of laziness and bad habits later..almost 15lbs more than that "never again" weight.

Now that I've delivered my second son (2 weeks ago today), and I know that I'm not going to be pregnant again for a long time if ever, I figure now is a good time to start down that weight loss path yet again. I know it's not as simple as's much more than just that first step. But this is my first step and I can only pray that my feet continue to move in the right direction.